How common is Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS in Indians: 

What Is the Term IBS ? Irritable Bowel Syndrome; IBS affects at least 10% of the population and has gradually gained recognition as a common gastrointestinal ailment.

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The symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) include constipation, intermittent mild discomfort, frequent abdominal pain, & irregular stool movements.

An individual with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) will frequently experience intense cramping in the abdomen, which is linked to irregular bowel movements. For longer than two days, the majority of participants will experience mixed stool, severe constipation, and diarrhea.

Here According to the study, IBS will affect more women and young adults. Symptoms include severe pain in the abdominal area, irregular bowel movements, bloating, mucus in stools, acid reflux, and a sense of severe illness

Stress, particular foods, improper eating habits, and junk food are the main causes of this, and it usually gets even worse after a few days.

Other diseases like fibromyalgia, severe depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome are also common in people with IBS.

IBS is a functional condition, meaning that there is neither structural damage nor efficient bowel function.

Here IBS sufferers often have irregular gastrointestinal motility patterns, when the food moves too fast through the intestines less water is reabsorbed and stools become watery when we experience diarrhoea.

After consuming the food when the food moves too slowly more water is absorbed and it results in constipation.  Right from producing severe pain during irregular bowel movements it is sensitive and irritated this is called visceral hypersensitivity.

IBS is classified as a syndrome, meaning a group of symptoms rather than a single disease. This is because distinct underlying mechanisms may drive disease progression in different groups of patients. Several possible mechanisms have been identified.

What are the symptoms of IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome): 

The first symptoms we notice are bloating irregular bowel motions, and abdominal pain that feels like it’s under the abdomen. Additionally, there are two types of IBS that people have.

Individuals with IBSD experience diarrhea, while those with IBSC experience constipation. Constipation and diarrhea are conditions that some people might experience that are called IBSM.

Symptoms Of IBS :

Abdominal pain 



Mucus In Stools 

Frequency of bowel  movements

Discomfort in stomach 

Losy Watery Stools 

What are the causes of IBS : 

Although the reliable source of IBS Irritable bowel syndrome is still unknown, what we all know is just because infection in the intestine, some brain-gut interactions, and lack of coordination between the brain and intestines are among the causes of this condition.

Another common symptom of IBS is changes in bowel movement, which indicates that the intestines’ muscles either contract or do not contract strongly.

Food sensitivities play a significant part in the development of serious intestinal infections like gastroenteritis in persons with IBS, thus eating trigger food or extremely unhealthy or spicy food may worsen symptoms for certain people.

How is the diagnosis of IBS made?

Here the first doctor will go over your medical history and symptoms, he will you will first go over your symptoms. They may also look up your medical and family history, as IBS may be inherited. 

To figure out the reason for the symptoms individuals have that could be lactose or inflammatory disease first step is to recommend testing such as blood and stool examination tests.

Treatment of IBS : 

They may also look up your medical and family history, as IBS may be inherited. To figure out the reason for your symptoms, which could be lactose intolerance, celiac disease, or inflammatory bowel disease, they will first attempt to do testing such as blood and stool tests.

Aims primarily to reduce symptoms. In certain IBS situations, changing one’s lifestyle can be beneficial. For instance, consistent exercise and better sleeping patterns can ease gastrointestinal symptoms and lower anxiety.

When it comes to medication. Probiotics are often recommended for this IBS treatment. For IBS with diarrhea, healthcare providers may recommend medicines like Lopermade or any prescribed medication from a physician, 

For IBS with constipation, some fiber supplements along with prescribed medicines like antispasmodics work effectively for constipation by reducing bowel spasms.

Why IBS became common in India:

IBS is a widespread illness that has grown in prevalence. IBS is more common in people under 50; the incidence in India is estimated to be 4-7% and rising. According to studies, hypersensitivity of the nerves and the gastrointestinal tract wall is linked to the symptoms of IBS.

Besides food, infections, and stress of any kind can also trigger or exacerbate IBS symptoms in the Indians.

Why this became common because of the unhealthy fast-paced lifestyle. Work culture, night shift jobs, high-level stress, emotional stress, and persistent work pressure made modern indian society suffer from IBS.

The rise of IBS is seen mainly in the urban population because of inactive lifestyles, diet styles, and irregular food intake.

Experts suggest that consulting a gastroenterologist early can help with the diagnosis and management of symptoms.

“Identify the actual food or emotional trigger towards symptoms such as high intake of insoluble fiber gluten sensitivity or lactose intolerance. 

Some people are sensitive to certain carbohydrates such as fructose, and fructans, known as fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAP). Avoiding these triggers may improve symptoms,

Probiotics are “good” bacteria that normally stay in your intestines and are present in some foods, like yogurt, and nutritional supplements. They may help reduce pain and cramping, but most Indians, especially the younger generation, are unaware of them.

To Conclude : 

The main effective remedy is to find the triggered foods in your body and change in diet avoiding spicy junk food, caffeine, and alcohol once you are diagnosed with IBS. 

Some vegetables like onions, garlic some vegetables like cauliflower broccoli, and apples may also lead to digestive discomfort, bloating, cramps, and pain in the abdomen prone to IBS.

Doctors say having IBS does not increase your risk of colon cancer, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore symptoms. To be safe, you must discuss with your doctor about new symptoms such as rectal bleeding, narrowed stool, or weight loss.

IBS doesn’t increase your risk of colon cancer. To be safe you must always discuss with the doctor, and go for a few screening tests like colonoscopies, endoscopies & fecal blood tests.

Medications, prescribed by your doctor, such as antispasmodics or neuromodulators, can aid in relieving symptoms of IBS.

Regular diet and exercise to maintain ideal or near ideal body weight keeping oneself active and energetic throughout the day can help with the management.

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